About Us

AMPAC is YOUR bi-partisan political action committee. AMPAC’s mission is to find and support medicine-friendly candidates for Congressional office. Whether it is a new candidate or a candidate running for reelection, AMPAC supports candidates who will make physicians and patients their top priority. Investing in AMPAC is critical to the success of our organization’s advocacy efforts so please act now and join AMPAC today!
- American Medical Association
- 25 Massachusetts Ave N.W
Suite 600
Washington, DC 20001
Choose a campaign for your contribution from the drop down.

AMPAC Disclaimers
AMPAC is a separate segregated fund established by the AMA. Voluntary political contributions by individuals to AMPAC should be written on personal checks or provided on a personal credit card. Funds from corporations cannot be used for contributions and expenditures in Federal elections. Corporate contributions will be placed in a separate AMA account for political education and other non-election activities. Contributions are not limited to the suggested amount. Neither AMA nor its constituent state associations will favor or disadvantage anyone based upon the amounts of or failure to make PAC contributions. Voluntary political contributions are subject to limitations of the FEC regulations. Contributions to AMPAC are not deductible for federal income tax purposes.